Monday, June 20, 2022

Remarks Delivered at Statewide Rally Against Ohio HB 616: Teaching Divisive Topics


Prepared Remarks for "Honesty in Education" Rally at the Statehouse Against Proposed Ohio HB 616: Teaching Divisive Topics Bill

Delivered on June 16, 2022

Columbus, Ohio

Honesty and truth over lies.

My name is Dr. Brad Maguth, Professor, of Social Studies Education, & Immediate Past President of the Ohio Council for the Social Studies. It truly is a pleasure to have the privilege to talk to you, as we rally at the Statehouse today, together, for Honesty and truth over lies.

Yes, Honesty and truth over lies.

I’ve had the pleasure of teaching social studies for the past twenty years, at the high school and post-secondary levels. As a Professor, I’m now truly blessed through my research and teaching to be able to work with, be inspired by, and help prepare social studies teachers from across the state to enter and thrive in our profession.

Let me be clear, if passed, Ohio House Bill 616, would be consequential and harmful in the teaching and learning of History and Social Studies. The Ohio Council for the Social Studies, the state’s largest professional organization dedicated to the advancement of social studies, is on record, through its direct testimonies, published position statements, and advocacy work, to report HB 616 and others like it are deeply hostile to affording all Ohio youth a high-quality and legitimate social studies education. Our position is clear, this bill is dangerous. It runs counter to the mission of the social studies in preparing youth for this nation’s highest office, that of Citizen in a multicultural democracy. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society, in an interdependent world. Educators and parents from across the state understand a high-quality civic and social studies education doesn’t run away from divisive issues. Instead it runs toward them, in order to sustain our democracy in tough times, to ensure a government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from this Earth.

We stand ready to push back against any legislative effort that poisons rather than liberates young minds through the study of history. We refuse to allow this legislature to provide safe-haven and sanctuary in our classrooms or communities to white nationalism, racism, patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, or any other form of discrimination and injustice. Why? Because we value and will forever defend:

Honesty and truth, over lies.

The bill criminalizes and outlaws districts from selecting textbooks, instructional materials, or curricula that center and challenge systematic and institutionalized racism, to learn from this nation’s failures to grow into a more perfect Union. This provision would produce a “chilling effect” in the classroom, as students and educators refrain from discussing racial (or anti-racial) matters in society or history for fear of retribution. Let’s be clear, Critical Race Theory, a graduate level theoretical framework that underpins research, is not found anywhere in K12 state standards, all approved and adopted by the Ohio Legislature. The sponsors and proponents of this bill have failed to address, if passed, how districts will meet state and federal mandates related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and established guidelines by the College Board for Advanced Placement credit.

Let’s be clear, HB 616 would create a hostile and fearful classroom environment for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ history, movements, and contributions. This includes elementary youth learning about the rich diversity of Ohio’s families (some have 2 moms, 2 grandmas, 2 aunts), and youth being exposed to queer role-models. As Nina West, Columbus’ local drag superstar reminds us, it’s never been as important to let queer youth know, you’re incredible, brilliant, and beautiful. LGBTQ youth are already deeply vulnerable, with higher rates of homelessness and suicide. This type of censorship only exacerbates disturbing messages and lies sent to youth and adult educators that being queer means being broken or less than. It’s paramount we lead with:

Honesty and truth, over lies.

We are deeply troubled that 616 has punitive measures in place for anyone reported in violation of this bill. This means that if a disgruntled parent, student, or fellow educator, believes a teacher is not handling a race, gender identity, or LGBTQ+ matter in an “age or developmentally appropriate manner” the professional educator can have their license suspended or revoked by the State. It’s time the Ohio Legislature start treating teachers like the professionals they are, and only then can we start to move towards reversing the wave of recent inflicted educator resignations and retirements. In fact, research indicates enrollment in our Ohio colleges and universities in teacher preparation is down 40% over the past ten years. We must do better to recruit and retain Ohio’s finest in one of our most noble profession’s, teaching. It starts with:

Honesty and truth, over lies.

Rest assured, we at the Ohio Council for the Social Studies are steadfast partners in working to stop this bill. We refuse to let Ohio lawmakers use our history curriculum as a weapon, one that poison’s its youth from the truth. Instead, we march in solidarity onward with each of you to ensure

Honesty and truth, over lies.

Thank you

Global and Social Studies Education

The website/blog allows educators in the social studies to reflect upon key issues in the social studies. It also allows teachers the opportunity to access resources that help infuse instructional media and technology, and global perspectives in their teaching.